Substanz in Relation

„Seiendes, das sich auf sich selbst bezieht, ist nicht nur relativ auf ein anderes und auf die Erfahrung eines anderen. Als Endliches ist es freilich ebenso wesentlich doch auf anderes bezogen und nur in diesem Bezug wirklich“ (Spaemann, 2009a, S. 151).

„It turns out, then, that relationality and substantiality go together as two distinct but inseparable modes of reality. Substance is the primary mode, in that all else, including relations, depend on it as their ground. But since ‘every substance exists for the sake of its operations’, as St. Thomas has just told us, being as substance, as existing in itself, naturally flows over into being as relational, as turned towards others by its self-communicating action. To be fully is to be substance-in-relation“ (Clarke, 1993, S. 14).

„A person, like every other real being, is a living synthesis of substantiality and relationality, and the relational si- de is equally important as the substantial side, because it is only through the former that the self as substance can actualize its potentiality and fulfill its destiny.“ (Clarke, 1993, S. 64).


  1. #Mensch
  2. #Substanz
  3. #Personsein
  4. #Relation